International Recommendation Process

The International Selection Committee in consultation with the BCUDC Chair is responsible for recommending umpires for international events.  WBSC/COPABE has sole jurisdiction in making International umpire selections, and may decide to select from outside the BCUDC recommended list.
In order to be considered for inclusion on the International Recommendation list, umpires must be endorsed by the President of their Provincial Baseball Association and the President of Baseball Canada.
Candidates will not be considered if they are currently under suspension by Baseball Canada or by a provincial association. 
An international recommendation is available for both male and female umpires.
International Pathway
This procedure will clearly identify the route that umpires in Canada will follow in order to receive consideration for recommendation to international baseball.
International Pathway Step 1 – Tournament 12 
This section is contingent on the Toronto Blue Jays hosting the Tournament 12 event each year. Should the event cease to exist an alternative tournament/pathway may be created. 
The purpose of Tournament 12 is to identify umpires who may be ready for an International Recommendation, and also to identify and train umpires who in the future may be ready for an International Recommendation.   Umpires who have attended one major championship and received a Tournament 12 invitation shall be eligible to be invited. 
Each year on the Saturday of each Major Championship, the Lead Supervisor shall attend a conference call with the International Selection Committee to consult about umpires that are being considered for invitation to Tournament 12. Following that consultation, the Lead Supervisor shall make the final decision on which umpires shall receive a Tournament 12 invitation, and shall discuss that decision with the umpires during their tournament evaluation. 
The International Selection Committee may invite past attendees on a case by case basis. 
Each year the International Selection Committee shall select at least 50% of umpires to attend Tournament 12 by the end of March. The cost of airfare or mileage shall be split 50/50 between Baseball Canada and the Province. If the Province is unable or unwilling, the provincial portion of the cost shall be the responsibility of the umpire. 
The Toronto Blue Jays shall be responsible for hotel accommodations and per diems. 
Current WBSC 4 person mechanics will be used at Tournament 12 and will be covered during the pre-tournament meeting. An on field practice will follow when time allows. 
Members of the International Selection Committee shall be assigned to supervise when they are available. The High Performance Lead and Supervision and Evaluation Lead shall collaborate in appointing any remaining supervisors. These travel costs will be covered by Baseball Canada. 
The Tournament 12 Supervision team shall meet with each umpire at the conclusion of the event to discuss the umpires’ performance and provide feedback. The Tournament 12 Supervision team will provide feedback to the International Selection Committee. Within 14 days following the conclusion of Tournament 12, the High Performance Lead shall advise all attendees of their status. Possible outcomes are: 
1. International Recommendation 
2. Continuation on the International Pathway 
3. Not Recommended at this time 
International Pathway Step 2 - Continuation on the Pathway 
Umpires whose T12 outcome is an invitation to continue on the International Pathway (see above)  will be given an individualized training plan to help them achieve their goal of receiving an International Recommendation.  Continuation on the pathway is limited to a maximum of 5 umpires at a time.
Each umpire will be assigned a Mentor. The Mentor will be a current or past International Umpire selected by the International Selection Committee. In conjunction with the International Selection Committee, the Mentor will be responsible for the execution of the umpires’ training plan.  Areas that the Mentor may focus on include but aren’t limited to: 
1. Reviewing the umpires schedule including level, partners, 3 or 4 umpire system games 
2. Fitness Plans 
3. Rule review 
4. Mechanic review and practice 
5. At least once per year, work with the umpire in a 4 umpire system and provide feedback. 
The mentor will be reimbursed for his/her expenses in conjunction with the mentorship program, up to an annual limit as established by BCUDC.  The mentor shall provide their proposed budget to the International Selection Committee for approval.
Responsibilities of the umpire include: 
1. Year round commitment to their training plan and communication with their Mentor. 
2. Attend camps and/or tournaments as recommended by the International Selection Committee or Mentor. 
3.  Finance their portion of the plan in the event their province isn’t able or willing to do so.
Responsibilities of the Province: 
1. Work with the umpire and mentor to assist in achieving the goals of the training plan 
2. Provide financial support, when available and budgeted 
3. Provide recommended National Assignments, when available and budgeted 
The umpire is eligible to return to a subsequent Tournament 12 only when the Mentor has recommended the assignment. The umpire may only be in the Continuation on the Pathway stage  for 2 years, if they aren’t successful in receiving a T12 assignment during that period, they will be removed from the International Pathway
International Recommendation List
Each year immediately before the Baseball Canada Convention, the High Performance Lead in conjunction with the BCUDC Chairperson shall make available to the Provincial Supervisors the list of  Internationally Recommended umpires.  This list shall be comprised of umpires who have successfully completed the International Pathway.
No umpire will receive an international recommendation without previously attending Tournament 12. 
International Selection Committee 
The High Performance Lead shall appoint 3-4 additional committee members to create a committee to assist in making International recommendations. This committee shall be known as the International Selection Committee (hereinafter referred to as ISC)
Any questions regarding the process or eligibility lists should be directed through the Provincial Supervisors who may contact the High Performance Lead.